We are your first choice full service commercial law firm combining years of experience and expertise with dynamism and understanding of today’s world.
We are an independent law firm co-operating with our established international network of law firms allowing us to deliver to you the best legal assistance and representation in Turkey and internationally.
We consider your interests first, working closely with you to understand who you are and what you need, and tailoring our sensible and commercial legal advice and guidance for you to make strategic decisions. We have a dedicated team of excellent lawyers who are specialists in their areas of practice.
Heuvels Uras offers services in a wide range of practise areas in both consultancy and litigation with its comprehensive legal knowledge and business networks.
The purpose of the Presidential Decree Concerning Measures Taken in the Judiciary Within the Scope of the State of Emergency numbered 120 (the “Presidential Decree”) is to take certain actions in the judiciary within the scope of the state of emergency declared by the Presidential Decree numbered 6785 dated February 8, 2023 in the cities of Kahramanmaraş, Adana, Adıyaman, Diyarbakır, Gaziantep, Hatay, Kilis, Malatya, Osmaniye ve Şanlıurfa (the “Presidential Decree numbered 6785”).
The objective of the independent audit is to audit and evaluate the annual reports and financial statements of the board of directors of companies subject to independent audit by the auditor in accordance with the Turkish Auditing Standards in order to provide assurance to the users. These companies, which are required to be audited, are determined by the President in accordance with Article 397/4 of the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102.
The Communiqué Amending the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Implementation of Article 376 of the Turkish Commercial Code numbered 6102 (the “Amendment Communiqué”), has been published in the Official Gazette numbered 31346, on 26 December 2020. With this Amending Communiqué, several options were granted to the corporations, which are in over-indebtedness.
The Regulation on Implementation of the International Labor Force Law (the ”Regulation”) has been published in the Official Gazette numbered 31738 on February 2, 2022. The Regulation regulates the work permit exemption of foreign shareholders and directors.
HEUVELS URAS observes that the services it provides are of high quality and works with professionals specialized in different legal fields and aims to provide its clients with up-to-date and accurate information.
To be among the exemplary, reliable and reputable law firms in the national and international arena, known for producing attentive client-oriented solutions by maintaining the understanding of service in accordance with ethical values and international standards.